HomeNewsProdigal Son Vows Mother’s Wedding Will Invite Dawn Of Apocalypse

Prodigal Son Vows Mother’s Wedding Will Invite Dawn Of Apocalypse

LOS ANGELES—Arriving at his father’s office in the nick of time to fulfill his destiny as a device of external conflict, prodigal son R.J. Forrester reportedly told his mother Monday that if she went through with her plans to marry media mogul Bill Spencer the fate of his family will be sealed and delivered personally into the hands of Satan. “If you marry Spencer it will ruin our family—don’t do it!” said the slightly hunched teenager successfully adding himself to a growing collection of pressure points meant to keep the couple’s love story more engaging.

R.J. Forrester withholding his affection from his mother to manipulate her.
R.J. Forrester withholds his affection from his mother to manipulate her.

Sources allege Forrester’s discord came almost immediately after glancing at his mother’s left hand and noticing what he described as “One of the ugliest rings” he had ever seen. According to reports, after receiving the devastating blow that the offending ring was not some cheap trinket found at the bottom of a Cracker Jack box, but a roadblock in his parent’s reconciliation, Forrester stormed off to Spencer Publications to raise the stakes by applying emotional manipulation.

“Now it’s R.J. turn to increase the ebb and flow of will-they-or-won’t-they”.

-Forrester Family Source

“Every enduring love story needs to show failure and success, and throughout a climbing geyser of conflict,” said a source familiar with how love stories fraught with peril like this one are supposed to unfold. “They withstood the shock and disgust from family and friends who called their union ‘sick’; then came the hint and question of commitment due to possible romantic feelings from an ex-husband,” explained the source.

At press time Forrester’s whining had paid off: At her son’s behest, Brooke Forrester requested a postponement on her quickie wedding, citing long overdue mother-and-son time as a reason for the delay. Spencer has reportedly agreed and is trying not to acknowledge the nagging feeling that more trouble looms on the horizon.

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