HomeRecapsB&B 5.07.18 Recap: Sins of the Father

B&B 5.07.18 Recap: Sins of the Father

Hand-Me-Down Love

Actual audio of Liam and Hope’s lovemaking inside Brooke’s Halfway House for Betrayed Husbands:

Oh, oh yes! Liam! (pant, pant). Tell me again how I’m your second choice. Ohhh my god!


This is everything I’ve ever dreamed of, but never….ahhhh, never knew would actually happen. You like me….oh, yes, right there…I-I-I love the way you choose me by default.

It’s…so…oh, yes…soo

sexy…Oh my goodness, don’t stop. Don’t stop treating me like an afterthought….yes…that’s it, right there Liam, yes! I’m…I’m…I’m your rebound.  Yaaaaaaasssssssssssss…..

(screaming).  I love you so much!!!

MORE than I love myself. Ohhhh…faster….I’m com-ing….IN….second place. Ahhhhhh!

Presto Chango

Bill’s ability to change course never ceases to amaze me. I guess that’s what makes him such a successful businessman—his skill in making quick decisions. One day family means everything to him the next he’s sleeping with family. One day Steffy should fight for her marriage but on another day she should stop wasting her life on his son who is a crazy nutbag with so many issues he’s unworthy of her. One day his creepy yacht is named The Stella Maris the next it’s called The Stephanie. I mean, you can get whiplash from how fast this man moves between women. My absolute favorite line he delivered was when he insisted to Steffy that he wasn’t pressuring her he was being passionate. Hahaha. Okay, Bill. So I suppose Steffy backing away from you liked a cornered animal wasn’t her trying to escape it was her being so turned on with desire she didn’t trust herself to be near you.

Gross Vs. Gross

The nerve of Katie showing disdain for Bill’s “passion” for Steffy while she herself is having sex with her son’s brother. I’ve mentioned this issue before and it bears repeating; both these unions have the ick factor written all over them.  Katie was all but ready to say ‘I Do’ to Wyatt a month ago. Imagine the conversation she would’ve had to have with her her son:

‘Will, Mommy and your brother love each other very much, we’re going to be husband and wife. Just like I used to be with your daddy. Wouldn’t it be fun to have him come live with us?’

One word, Mommy: Ewww!

Opinions Need Not Apply

I bet when Justin goes home to hang up his tie at night he wonders what his life has come to.  I’d love to get a look at his payroll records to see what the going rate is for henchman at Spencer Publications.  That compensation package must be pretty sweet to endure the likes of Bill Spencer and his many perversions. Though I see the reasoning behind trying to guide his boss to a moral compass I wonder why anything Bill does shocks him anymore. He keeps harping on the fact that Bill used one son to undermine the other, but I think it’s safe to say that Bill gives zero f*cks about what any of his children are feeling. It’s always about him and Justin, though loyal to a fault, would certainly have a less hostile work environment if he kept that in mind.

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