So it’s true, you can’t turn a ho into a housewife but apparently you can turn one into a senatorial candidate .

Nikki has got to be the most insecure woman in Genoa City.  The minute Victor skips town for a month-long retreat (something he does ever year, by the way) Nikki freaks out, starts questioning her self-worth in her marriage and ultimately ends up having an flirtation/affair with whichever man happens to be within her grasp at the time.

I can’t imagine what it must have been like for Victor to see the video footage of his wife and David eating each other’s faces but no doubt it triggered his cringe factor.  First of all, it plainly shows how little his wife respects him; she was in his office at the time, practically doing it right under the huge self-portrait of her husband staring down at her and, secondly, it shows that she doesn’t give a hoot about the company that her husband spent his entire life building—as if Newman needs the stench of yet another scandal wafting through the office corridors. Any impropriety going on between low-level Newman minions must be a walk in the park for Human Resources compared to what the executives are getting themselves tangled up in.

Speaking of whores, I’m pretty sure that was what Brad was calling his soon-to-be-ex when he asked her if it was DNA that made the Newman women get naughty with their employees.  Funny, I didn’t hear him complain when he got that Newman Board seat and all the clout that came with it. Now that Granville Global is being overseen by former drunkard, Neil Winters, and he’s been downgraded to nothing more than an overpaid executive, he seems to be singing a different tune.  There is just no pleasing some people.

Hard to comprehend that while he was putting the pork to Sharon, he never once considered the ramifications of what gnawing on the hand that feeds him would do to his career at the company.  Clearly he miscalculated his importance, and with that ginormous ego of his, I can see why.

How magnanimous of Victoria to allow Brad to keep the “the house, the car and the furniture.”  Didn’t she walk into that marriage, and Brad’s frumpy faux log cabin with those assets already established?  The décor of Brad’s home has seen at least three wives come and go without the slightest bit of updating. I would let him have it too.  It drives me insane that this is the daughter of a billionaire, but yet she can’t seem to find a place of her own to live.  I’m just waiting for her to evict Phyllis and reclaim the Tacky House, bet she misses the aroma of the stables in the morning.

Now that the War of the Roses has begun between her and Brad, Victoria, like a moth to flame, is already hovering dangerously close to the heat of J.T.’s loser aura.  I doubt if Paul cares but J.T. is clearly not getting any investigating work done, what with being Victoria’s manservant.  Is he that hard up for action that he’ll resort to dating a pregnant woman, yipping at her heels like a Chihuahua for the chance to deliver groceries, rub her feet and chauffeur her about town?  Hey, isn’t that Miguel’s job?  Whatever happened to Miguel? Lo falto mucho.

I do hope Nick’s infernal leg hurries up and heals for I’m sick to death of his interaction with Logan already.  I wonder how she’s not fed up too.  I’m sure she didn’t plan to have an unwanted guest drop in from the sky when she was packing provisions for her trip.  The way I see it, Nick is just another mouth to feed and with her car so far away and no way to call for groceries to be delivered she’s playing Russian Roulette with her stomach.  I think I see where Latham is going with this though. Did you notice the way she clammed up when Nick asked her about her family?  I bet Victor bought a company years ago that put her parents out of work which probably caused her father to commit suicide and her mother to become a hooker to make ends meet until she got addicted to drugs and ran off with her pimp.  You’ll see, when Logan finds out Nick is a Newman she’ll reveal that Victor was responsible for taking her family away and she has no choice but to exact revenge on Nick by taking him away from his wife and kids.

A show of hands, please, for those of you who were shocked to see Kevin lingering about the halls of Jabot Cosmetics?  I didn’t know he still worked there.  That was a surprise.  Where does he find the time between his voyeurism, obsession with Jana and third wheel hobbies I wonder?  It’s quite the mystery.

I worried that when J.T. bashed Kevin’s skull in with his own coffee pot that it might do some permanent damage.  Now it seems my fears have been realized.  Kevin has lost his ability to think logically.  How else do you explain why he hasn’t bothered to question the coincidental timing of his ex-psycho girlfriend contacting him every five minutes and the dude who just happened to expire in his spare bedroom with a duffle bag full of greenbacks? Clearly, all his years of near-misses with the law has failed to make him  more cautious about this sort of stuff.

For the time being I am enjoying the comedy routine he, Amber and Helmet Head (a.k.a. Daniel) are dishing up since they found Plum taking a dirt nap.  On discussing the various options of disposing with the body, Kevin suggested hacking the carcass into pieces but not before removing the fingers and teeth so that it couldn’t be identified.  Someone’s been watching too much Sopranos.

What’s this?  There’s security at the Chancellor Estate?  Well sketch me surprised and splitting on the sides from laughter.  What the hell would possess Kevin and Helmut Head to agree to have their share of the stolen money buried there?  If they need to make a withdrawal from the astroturf isn’t that an inconvenient location?  Why didn’t they just split the money and go their separate ways?  What’s that?   It’s to give us more scenes of the three idiots interacting together?  Okay, then.  Carry on.