Y&R Recap: Everything In My Power

Captain’s Log


Victoria stumbles upon a photo of herself in Travis’ yacht log. What did it say?

Captain’s Log: sea date 2016821 time:20:00Continued Tstorms raging in my heart, this oddly photoshopped image of her a hazy reminder of a love that was not meant to be. Yet, it be! I can’t stop dreaming about her.  The squall of our past lovemaking hurls me against rocks of despair. Need a lifeline! Visibility low. Today a seagull paid me a visit on deck. Crapped all over the sidelight.

 Everything In My Power


You know what I find particularly powerful about Victor Newman? His ability to deflect the blame even when it’s standing square on his shoulders with a big red arrow pointing to his head. Years of committing unspeakable acts of cruelty has given him tons of practice keeping a straight face when he’s clearly in the wrong pretending to be right. I also find it powerful that he has never-ending sums of money to buy doppelgängers and pay millions of dollars for people to leave town. He must have a great tax attorney who can make all that money movement legit.

Dear Common Sense


I found it odd that Hilary kept Neil’s letters from his mother in the drawer of her room writing desk, did you? Why would she keep them there instead of, say, a box or some other type of storage meant to keep them out of sight? Devon could have opened that draw on any number of occasions and wondered why his wife was holding on to old letters belonging to her ex-husband. Guess someone fell asleep at the writing wheel.

The Fluffer


Let’s be honest: Daniel’s ‘stach was the most intriguing guest attending Summer and Luca’s painful wedding rehearsal dinner. God forgive me, but when I look at it he reminds me of a 70s porn star which also reminds me that about eight years ago Daniel was battling a serious porn addiction problem. Well, he was married to Lilly at the time so that should give you some context.

He Said, He Said

WIR_NickThis is what happens when you live in a town with only one investigator. Sometimes they’re just too busy to take your requests to arrest people based on heresay. It’s a good thing Dlyan didn’t stop to give Nick his ear because it would’ve been a complete waste of time. Remember, both Victor’s investigator and Nick himself said they couldn’t find anything tying Luca to the sabotage and then concluded that he must have ‘covered his tracks’ pretty well. So how was Travis’s return to Genoa City proof that Luca did anything?