B&B Recap: I Quit You

Abs Of Steel


So Liam pays Thomas a visit to talk about, what else? The EVIL MASTERMIND that is Quinn Fuller. A lot of things were said that sounded like nails going down a chalkboard, so I won’t bore you with the details. Instead I want to point out that Thomas kindly left his shirt open after Sasha went home so that Liam could also gaze upon his chiseled torso. That’s really considerate of him, don’t you think? Not sure Liam sees it that way though, he looks like he’s feeling a little inadequate.

Baby Don’t Go!


Poor, poor, fiancee stealing Wyatt. He had to have known the day would come when Steffy would grow tired of pretending she still wanted to be married to him after Liam’s return. Yet here he is shocked, legitimacy shocked after she said could’t deal with his mother anymore. Prepare for him to slowly fold in on himself and wither away into nothingness. You do recall him telling Steffy in Monaco that he can’t live without her, right? Well, she basically just murdered her husband.

 Breakfast of Losers

WIR_rickGawd! What an awful way to start the morning… with that unkempt barbarian, Ridge, sitting at your mother’s breakfast bar. I Feel for Rick, I really do. He hasn’t had a moment of peace since Lizzy was born. First there was the CEO switch-up fiasco then came the announcement that Quinn was being reinstated at Forrester. Do you know what other fresh hell is coming his way? His mother and Ridge reuniting. Don’t forget that Thomas told Steffy that Ridge was a nomad and that the world was his suitcase. Well, I guess that makes Brooke his bed.

I Quit You


I hope Katie isn’t too busy looking fabulous to exact some revenge on that disgusting soon-to-be ex-husband of hers. All this talk about moving on and doing what’s best for Will, is bunch of malarkey in my book.  Take that son of a bitch down and then take everything!



And the Savage of the Weak award goes to Ridge who cursed his father out something
terrible and called him a “child. Damn. Then, in a hilarious turn of events went back to work and acted like a child himself when he bemoaned the fact that Quinn was now sharing the same bed his mother used to share with his father. Awwwww… pull your your big boy pants up and stop whining like a lil’ bitch. If you missed the epic father/son throw down, watch it here. It’s close captioned for the douche impaired.