B&B 5.9.17 Recap: A Bad Review

In today’s episode of ‘Bill the Builder’, Wyatt walks in to his dad’s office just in time to catch him smashing a Leggo® building labeled ‘Spectra’ with what I can only assume is one of his son’s toy bulldozers. Bill defends his childish destruction as some type of realization technique and gives Wyatt a quick reminder on the correlation between positive thinking and making dreams come true.

Hhmm, that give me an idea. Maybe if I visualize giving a shit about Bill’s glass tower erection I might start to care about this drivel. I don’t even want to try. I know it’s pointless.

Talk turns to Sally. Wyatt wants Bill to tell him more about the infamous knockoff designer. What’s she like? Did you talk to her at Steffy’s wedding? Do you think she would be interested in a love triangle between me and her and Thomas? I put that last part in because we all know that’s where this is going. You can see it coming from a mile away folks.

Wyatt asks Bill if he and Brooke have set a date for the wedding. Bill says no he wants to finalize the sale on the Spectra building first. Don’t bother moving anything around on your schedule Wyatt because there won’t be a wedding.

At Spectra, Sally looks around sadly as fabric scraps and stolen dress patters are hastily packed away. Shirley says she can’t believe this is happening. Apparently she was under the misguided belief that she could steal from Forrester Creations indefinitely without repercussions. Shirey is pretty much an idiot. Saul, who is dressed in the MOST hideous tie and vest combo ever, reassures Sally not to feel guilty—they were all complicit in her half-baked plot for counterfeit couture. Still, he assures his soon to be ex-boss, being destitute and unemployed is far better than rotting away in prison.

Saul and Sally chat about her running from LA with her tail between her legs. She tells him theres NOTHING left for her but broken dreams. Ahhh! A common refrain in the city of Angles. But alas! There is one single bright spot and his name is Thomas Forrester.  Sally tells Saul she promised Thomas she would disappear, but has asked him to come see her one last time to say goodbye.

Sally isn’t confident her savior will show up, but we all know he will. In the mean time she has Saul, her faithful lapdog, who is nearly at the brink of tears at the thought of being separated from his beloved. He tells Sally that all she has to do is say the word and he’s ready to ride shotgun; head out the window, his tongue flapping in the breeze as the she drives back under the rock she came from.

Before long Thomas makes an appearance and Sally low-key has an orgasm but does a really good job of keeping her cool. She motions for Thomas to follow her in the office so they can talk privately. And what do you think comes next? If you guessed another speech about how sorry she was for shitting all over his hard work you are goddamn clairvoyant or you’ve seen this repetitive shit so many times you can recite the lines by heart.

Sally: “I want to tell you again how sorry I am, Thomas. I was weak and pathetic for stealing from you.”

Thomas: “I can’t forget what you did.”

Sally: “Maybe one day…”

Thomas: “Maybe never.”

Anyway, you can totally tell i’m bored out of my mind doing this recap right? Super Ugh!  I’m going to do my best to double down and finish this for you guys.

Ok, where was I? Oh, right… so Thomas asks Sally what she plans on doing now that her career in grand larceny is over and Sally answers that she’ll probably go back to cleaning off the grills in her granny’s bakery back home. It’s all sounds so pitiful, but Thomas doesn’t take the bait, he just tells her he knows she’ll land on her feet.

Sally tells him the real reason she asked him over was to give him a gift of a sketch she designed. Thomas is blown away and when he asks her what inspired her Sally says it was the way he made her feel:  elegant and refined. Damn, good one, girl. Hit him right in the feels.

While Thomas and Sally give each other soft, baby bird kisses. Liam is over at Forrester giving his Queen the lowdown on Sally’s decent into thievery and backstabbing. The real story? Dolla Bill penned the scathing review that ultimately led to Spectra’s downfall. Steffy tells Liam she wishes he would go do some actual work instead of running over to her with information she didn’t ask for or need.

Ultimately she decrees this revelation changes NOTHING. Sally is still a cockroach that needs to be taken off her peanut diet. Liam asks if she thinks this revelation should be shared with Thomas, but the Queen says no. Sally should be exiled from the kingdom as planned.



Next on the Bold and the Boring…

Stay tuned (or not, you won’t miss much) for Wednesday’s episode where:

Thomas will tell the Queen he was the man he wanted to be when he was with Sally. No idea what that means, but okay let’s go with it.

Liam, fresh from betraying his father’s confidence tells Wyatt that Dolla Bill won’t fire him for what he’s done.

Dolla Bill makes a personal appearance at Spectra to tell Sally to clear her broke ass out of the building before 5:00p so he can begin bulldozing. Will Sally manage to box up all her broken dreams in time?