B&B 5.2.17 Recap: Beauty and the Brute

It’s another beautiful day in Los Angles, but Eric and Brute don’t notice because they are hard at work coming up with sketches for their replacement collection. Brute fills Eric in on Sally’s arrest and Eric laments not being able to stick his beak into Brute’s breakup with Brooke due to the harried pace they’ve been keeping lately. Brute is like, “Oh, shit. Here we go. Quick. Think of something to distract him”. Brute tells Eric that Brooke is now wearing Dolla Bill’s ugly ass sword ring again which seems to shock Eric for some reason. Why? I haven’t a clue. Aren’t they both used to Brooke ricocheting between beds like a ping pong ball between opponents?

Here’s a GIF of Brooke bouncing back and forth between Ridge and Bill. The scruffy cat is Ridge.

Eric tries once again to wheedle the reason for the breakup out of Brute, but the World’s Worst Son can’t bring himself to admit the real reason behind his cancelled wedding.   When Eric asks him how he plans on winning Brooke back from Dolla Bill, Brute arrogantly replies that it’s just a matter of “getting through” to his ex. I wan’t to laugh and tell Brute not to hold his breath, but I don’t dare; it’s hard to have faith in a woman who interchanges her fiancés as frequently as a fresh coat of nail polish.

Brute gets up to leave, but before he can walk away Eric feels the need to talk about his precious Quinn and how good she is for him, and how they’ve weathered tough times only to come back stronger than ever and how she’s the wind behind his back (I think he’s mistaking her for his farts now) and how he can trust her completely. All of this is supposed to make Brute’s insides wilt with shame and it seems to be working like a charm. Brute tells Eric that Quinn is good for him and Eric gives a little laugh and I laugh too because I remember the time when Quinn was a “cancer“.

Remember the old days when we used to fight over Brooke?

Later on in the day Eric is still holed up at home and we see Pam enter the living room carrying a fruit and cheese plate. She wants to know how he can be so damn calm when he has to start a whole collection from scratch. He replies, “I have Quinn,” Ugh! Did Quinn give Eric his weekly sex rations? Is that why he can’t shut up about her? Eric tells Pam he’s so grateful for Quinn and the fact that the family came together to tackle the devastating cockroach infestation that nearly toppled their claim to fashion sovereignty. He attributes all of this to the family changing their minds about Quinn. Eric tells Pam that he and Brute share a “special connection”.

Quinn doing here part to keep the “special connection’ between her husband and his son going

Apparently Eric thinks no one supports his marriage the way Brute has, and he’s exactly right, although I think Brute’s idea of “support” is a little different from his father’s.

Over at Forrester Quinn, Ivy and that blackmailing bitch, Katie are all in the small office when Quinn tries to make use of her new employee by asking Katie to check with Brooke on when she wants to do photoshoots for the press kit. After she leaves Ivy asks why the f*ck is Katie joining Forrester, but all it takes is one look at Quinn’s face and her telepathic powers kick in, “Katie knows about you and Ridge, doesn’t she!?”

Ivy enjoying a brief respite from her own boring existence with Quinn’s latest drama

Ivy wants details and peppers Quinn with the who, what, where, when and whys. Quinn basically tells Ivy that she thinks Brooke overreacted. Yeah, totally. It’s not a cause for concern if you see the person you’re supposed to marry swapping spit with someone else the day before you marry them. Pretty common place if you ask me. Even more common is if you like to kiss your father’s wife. Quinn tells Ivy that after the blow up everyone agreed to keep it a secret for poor fragile Eric. He loves Quinn so damn much there’s just no telling what a revelation of duplicity would do to him. “We must protect the old man.  He’s too feeble to know I can be a little whorish sometimes.” Quinn explains.

While all this is going on Brooke and her manipulative magpie of a sister hash it out over the real motivation behind her new role at the company. Katie is quick to remind her that she used to run Forrester and did a good job, but that’s in the past Katie and there’s so many asses that have sat in the Forrester CEO chair who really remembers or cares at this point?

He liked it so he put a ring on it

Brooke does her best to get Katie to look at the bigger picture; undermining Eric’s marriage by appointing herself Guardian At The Gate does little to help an already tenuous situation. If you think this has any impact on Katie you’d be dead wrong. Katie loves exploiting secrets and lies. Being a public nuisance brings color to her cheeks and infuses her with energy and vigor to accomplish her daily tasks.  She’s not quite ready to allow Quinn to scurry from under the crush of her stiletto heel just yet.

Just then Quinn and Ivy walk in to plead Quinn’s case which surprises the Logan sisters until Ivy clarifies that she too knows about Brute and Quinn’s nauseating indiscretion. Quinn notices Dolla Bill’s ring and tells Brooke that Ridge still wants a life with her. “Mind your business, beeyotch”, Brooke seems to say in her mind. There’s some back and forth until the door flies open and Brute walks in demanding to know what’s going on.

Quinn shares that Magpie Katie wants to tell Eric that she cheated on him because she’s an empty vessel that needs to be filled by destroying other people’s lives. Brute says that they need to put this to rest once and for all for the sake of Eric and the family. The family, by the way has endured so much scandal over the years that all this talk about the secret coming out and possibly “tearing” the family apart is really just hogwash if you ask me.

Katie reluctantly agrees to dial back her desperation to seek validation through other people’s misery.

Katie, Ivy and Quinn file out leaving Beauty and the Brute alone. He steps close enough for her to smell his breath and asks her what they’re doing. He tells her he can’t let her get married to Dolla Bill because he needs her in his life. A single tear trickles down Beauty’s face which basically tells us Brute is slowly melting her resolve to stay away from him. How much longer before she rolls back into Ridge’s bed? Boing!