B&B Recap: Seek and Destroy

1. Drink Me

The Bold and the Beautiful

For all you ole’ timey hopeless romantics out there in Lala land, here’s a tip: Stop dropping your damn keys and jewelry into your woman’s beverages to drink!  It’s dumb. It’s stupid. It’s a tired cliché that needs to DIE. It’s also a choking hazard and kinda kills the mood if she ends up in the emergency room having her stomach pumped.

2. Short-Sighted

The Bold and the Beautiful

I feel like I slipped into a Rip Van Winkle-like slumber and woke up in an era where good old-fashion common sense fell out of style. Thomas may have forgotten that earlier this summer his piece of shit father robbed him of the only chance he would ever have to witness the birth of his firstborn, but I sure haven’t. That wound is still very fresh for me. Not for Thomas though, he couldn’t get on that Ridge crazy train fast enough, no questions asked! Clearly his memory is failing him, or is the culprit character continuity? Things that make you go, hmmmmm. Dear old Dad literally stole his child. STOLE HIM! Then when he was forced to confess he tried to justify what he did by damn near calling Thomas a rapist and telling him denying his flesh and blood would actually be better for everyone involved. I don’t care how crazy Quinn was if I were Thomas I would tell that bastard to kick rocks. Thats Thomas’ problem—he can’t see further than the tip of his nose, if he could he would’ve saw this as opportunity to cut Ridge off at the knees.

3. Control Freak

It’s official: I’m dispatching some ninja assassins to kill Ridge.  What the f*ck is, “I control who I respect” supposed to mean anyway? I know Ridge talks a lot of bullshit, but that really blew my mind when he said it. I tried to work it out in my head. I wondered, “Is he saying he has control over how or who he respects because that goes without saying, which leads me to summarize that he meant that literally. If Ridge respects someone he should be able to control them. Uh…?  He changed his tune real quick at Eric’s bedside, though. He told him that he acted like a Judas because he’s important to him. I wonder how he treats people he couldn’t give two shits about? Hahahah.. Thanks for the laughs, Ridge, you idiot.

4. Seek & Destroy

The Bold and the Beautiful

I hope that nurse also requested some tests for Steffy after she was ordered to test if Eric had poison in his system. She’s leveled up to demented hysteria now, it’s hilarious. She was in the room when the doctor told everyone that a weak blood vessel caused Eric’s brain hemorrhage, right, or did I dream that? Besides, I would think toxicology reports are standard for any patient wheeled into the ER.  At this point I believe she’s acting like a maniac to distract herself from the guilty feelings of what she did to her grandfather. Steffy knows she’s dead wrong and that Quinn loves Eric, but she’s so far up shit’s creek she’s convinced herself it would be crazy to turn back now. I was waiting for Quinn to give her a quick slap across the face followed by a shrill “Snap out of it!” for that wild accusation.  Yeah, Steffy is G-O-N-E. I don’t know who can save her now.  She needs a straight jacket.