Home Recaps Y&R Recap: Bedtime Story

Y&R Recap: Bedtime Story

The Young and the Restless

1. Bedtime Story

Poor, poor little Johnny. What should have been a little “QT” time with grandpappy sedately leafing through books about animals and wildlife instead turned into a roast of his father. “Here’s a jackass, Johnny, does it remind you of anyone? Perhaps someone you see twice a week and on alternating weekends?” Johnny is now four-years old, which is old enough to know when someone’s talking shit about his Dad. But as you can see here, Victor is not telling Johnny anything he didn’t already see first hand. This kid could make a killing at cards; the poker face is strong with this one. Victor must have said Billy Boy a hundred times during that one conversation alone. Just once I would like to hear him say ‘Billy goat’. That would really tie up 2016 nicely for me.
