HomeNewsGCPD Arrests Man For Murder Based On Dead Woman’s Diary Entries

GCPD Arrests Man For Murder Based On Dead Woman’s Diary Entries

GENOA CITY, WI—Law enforcement officials confirmed Monday that a probe into the murder allegations gleaned from a dead woman’s diary has led to the arrest of prominent local business man, Adam Newman. “At this time we have reason to assume that based on the deceased’s emotional scribbling’s and the presence of poison in the year and half old decomposed body of Constance Bingham is enough evidence to warrant an arrest,” said GCPD detective Dylan McAvoy at a press conference today. “When I stopped by the suspect’s home unannounced on Thursday he and his wife appeared to be taken aback by the late Mrs. Newman’s claims, but I pressed on with my questioning while waving her diary, with it’s pristine turquoise leather binding, around like a loaded gun.”

The journal entries that are of particular interest to the police accuses Adam Newman, then masquerading under the assumed identity of Constance Bingham’s grandson, Gabriel Bingham, of slowly poisoning the elderly woman because she was becoming aware of his true name and possibly the fact that he was hiding from authorities in connection to a hit-and-run accident involving a five-year-old girl.

Dylan MacAvoy compromises key evidence by not using gloves
Dylan MacAvoy compromises key evidence by not using gloves

When reached for comment Mr. Newman stated that he believed his father, who is serving time at Walworth State Penitentiary was behind an elaborate plot to frame him for murder. “Quite frankly we despise each other and about ten years ago I did the same thing to him with the help of a forger. This is just the kind of thing my dear old dad would do. Even in prison the old coot is trying to f*ck up my life.”

At press time calls to Walworth to get an official response from Victor Newman regarding his son’s claims were met with the same response, “Mr. Newman is speaking to a visitor now and can’t come to the phone,” a spokesperson for the warden’s office stated to reporters.


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