HomeNewsCrappy Boyfriend Wants To Pick Girlfriend Up From Where He Last Dumped...

Crappy Boyfriend Wants To Pick Girlfriend Up From Where He Last Dumped Her

LOS ANGELES—Shifting his gaze nervously to his ex-girlfriend’s exhausted face, Forrester shutterbug, Zende Dominguez reportedly confessed to Nicole Avant on Monday that he had somehow managed to impregnate Sasha Thompson, a young woman he had dumped her for when the trials and tribulations of Avant’s surrogate pregnancy proved too much for his needy manhood.

“I didn’t want to keep anything from you; I wanted to tell you right away,” the shitty boyfriend explained while pacing the hospital room where Avant had recently given birth and where he had just professed his undying devotion and love to her before delivering the sucker punch that he was about to become a father.

According to a source, Avant looked as though she had just had the wind knocked out of her by a bag of cement. “I thought we had a second chance,” said Avant referring in part to the first chance Dominguez totally screwed up by sleeping with the one woman in Los Angeles whom Avant considered to be like a sister. Ironically it was recently revealed Thomas is indeed Avant’s half-sister—the result of a secret affair between Avant’s father and a family friend many years ago.

Sasha Thompson tries to convince Nicole Avant that sisters borrow each other's boyfriends all the time
Sasha Thompson tries to convince Nicole Avant that sisters borrow each other’s boyfriends all the time

At press time, a desperate Dominguez pleaded with Avant to carry on as though his baby was not growing inside her sister’s womb, “You can’t let it destroy what we have. I want back the time that we lost. We can make this work”, said Dominguez before being dismissed by a weak and disgusted Avant.


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