HomeNewsExtremely Well Tanned Man Squanders Another Beautiful California Day Bitching About Life

Extremely Well Tanned Man Squanders Another Beautiful California Day Bitching About Life

LOS ANGELES—Sick and tired of being downsized into nothing more than a wise-cracking, perfectly tanned company mascot, Forrester heir NOT apparent, Rick Forrester, bemoaned to his wife Maya on Wednesday about living a severely disadvantaged existence as a good looking, virile and wealthy young man who isn’t the apple of his father’s eye.

“He’s become totally obsessed with Ridge,” Mrs. Forrester said exclusively to reporters, referring to a man her husband once believed was his brother until the day he learned he was actually an illegitimate child born out of a scandalous affair. Forrester went on to note that it didn’t help matters that her husband’s father refused to turn his back on the man he mistakenly raised as his own son or that his father had appointed the bastard as CEO of the family company as well as head of the family homestead. “It sticks in his craw and I have to hear about it every goddam day!”

Despite her valiant attempts to steer their conversation back to calmer more positive seas, Rick Forrester stubbornly dug in his Prada clad heels and continued to whine about the loathing he felt for his arch nemesis, “I want my dad to see who Ridge really is, that’s the only way things are gonna change.”

Maya Forrester wishing her husband would shut the f*ck up
Maya Forrester struggling to stay awake

Desperately wishing she could break the needle on his broken record, Maya Forrester screamed inwardly before reminding her husband that the impending arrival of their new baby via surrogate should put things into perspective, but her pleas allegedly fell on deaf ears.

As press time Mrs. Forrester was said to have chosen to see the silver lining in her unbearable situation by claiming that dealing with her husband’s frequent bitch fests provided plenty of training ground to grow accustomed to what life with a fussy, colicky and utterly helpless newborn would be like.

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