B&B 5.11.17 Recap: The Man With The Golden Check

It’s still eviction day at Spectra, but what’s this?  Sally and Thomas are looking deeply into each other’s eyes. Did she hear Thomas correctly? Does he really want her to stay? Bill loses patience with this heartwarming interlude and breaks them out of their reverie to remind them that she’s a washed up, thief who can’t afford a pot to piss in let alone the rent to keep Spectra’s imitation glass doors from closing shut forever.

And the Fug Award goes to…

Outside the main office the Spectra baboons are still stuffing their broken hopes and dreams into every available box they can find. They speculate on why Thomas returned and I’m wondering what the HELL is little Miss Muffet wearing on her head.

Seriously. Her entire getup deserves a Fug Award.

Meanwhile, back inside the office Bill rants and raves about the pointlessness of this exercise. He can’t understand why Thomas doesn’t want to see him exterminate Spectra Fashions. I cackle to myself when Thomas tells Bill that Sally’s treachery was all HIS doing.  Maybe Thomas thinks Bill is a witch doctor and he cast a spell on Sally to make her steal an entire collection? Or maybe Thomas is rationalizing all of this because he’s in love horny and finally wants to seal the deal on this relationship.

Bill gives him a look of disbelief. Actually it look more like pity. Let’s go with pity.

Thomas demands to know how much Sally has to pay C.J. to keep the sewing machines from grinding to a halt. C.J. says $100k. Suddenly the music changes and you can feel that something amazing is about to happen. Thomas pulls something from inside his breast pocket. There is a flash of blinding white light and we can hear angel voices singing a resounding chorus of hallelujah.

You like me. You really, really like me!

“What are you doing?” Sally demands to know as she shields her eyes from the glare of her 6ft 2in savior. “Making an investment” Thomas replies as he plucks a feather from a nearby white dove, dips the quill into an inkwell and hands over a signed check to Sally. Ohmygosh, you guys! Do you know that this means? With Thomas’ love, support and Forrester bankroll, Spectra is sure to live to steal another day.  It’s a celebration bitches!

Bill loses his glass erection almost immediately.  He snatches the contract from C.J.’s hands and storms out. Once the baboons tumble into the office and discover that Spectra is back in business all hell breaks loose.

What?! We get to design more fugly clothes?

Over at Forrester, Liam is taking yet ANOTHER break from his busy work day to rehash the Spectra debacle with his Queen. Honestly does this guy do ANY work at all? You live with her Liam! Surely this can wait until after she gets home, and you draw her bath, clip her toenails, brush her hair, make dinner and give her a massage? I can’t wait until Bill fires him. Please tell me it will be soon.

Liam and the Queen are interrupted by Zende and Nicole. Zende is looking for Brute. Just follow the trail of cooties, Zende, it’s not hard. Guess what? Zende has some more stick figure sketches to show. Why is Nicole there, I wonder? For moral support? Nope. She just wants to hurt our eyes with her terrible, awful lace front wig. I hate that thing with a passion.

Say no to lace front wigs!

They fill Zende in on Bill’s machinations, but he says it doesn’t negate the fact that those Spectra weasels sliced though their bottom line with their thieving asses! Yeah, tell ‘em Zende! Queen agrees, but reminds Zende that Thomas’ bleeding heart (read: hard on) for Sally will make him think that Spectra was sabotaged and had no choice but to commit a crime. Yes, yes, by all means, lets laed people believe that when they are backed into a corner crime is the ONLY way out.

Queen says she knows that this bit of information will make her bother want to save Spectra. She’s worried what this might mean for the company and Thomas. Who cares? Let’s just fast forward to that picture perfect moment on Queen Steffy’s face when she finds out Thomas blew a cool $100k on reviving Sally’s roadkill rags for the fashion impaired.

I am a man of integrity working for a man who doesn’t know the meaning of the word

Were back at Spencer Publications. Stool pigeon Jared opens the door to Bill’s office where Wyatt stands authoritatively doing his best Dolla Bill impersonation. Wyatt demands to know why Jared flapped his gums. Jared fires back that he had a sudden attack of conscience and couldn’t see the harm in having diarrhea of the mouth to Liam seeing as he is a Spencer and all. Wyatt explains what ultimately happened with his little revelation about Bill’s role in bringing down Spectra but Jared is like…

Seriously though how was Jared to know Liam is his wife’s shadow and runs to tell her everything? Do you want to know what’s really going on here? Wyatt is literally bored stiff. He aches for validation and purpose and is determined to drum up drama where none actually exists. On a side note: Wyatt’s bangs! Hehe.

A bit later, Bill returns still fuming over losing out on the Spectra land deal. Wyatt has trouble understanding how it all went down considering that Bill’s offer to C.J. was practically 200 times what Thomas wrote a check for. But Wyatt this isn’t supposed to make any sense. You live in a world where property owners will accept $100k instead of a check for $20 million!  On this strange planet landlords base their business decisions on cheap sentiment rather than good common sense. They would rather wait 16 years to make what they can in one day. Abandon on all convention. It’s useless here.


Next on the Bold and the Baboons…

Thomas invites Sally back to his place. I told you he wanted to seal the deal. But first he’ll make small talk about Sally and her rags before one thing leads to another.

Bill runs to Brute to enlighten him on what Thomas did to save Spectra.

Brute runs over to Thomas’, interrupting his plan to “seal the deal” and tell him he’s not going to allow any Forrester to associate with criminals. Ha! I can’t wait to see how Brute will force Thomas’ hand.