HomeNewsSpawn Of Satan Spins Flimsy Tale Of Elaborate Prank As Reason For...

Spawn Of Satan Spins Flimsy Tale Of Elaborate Prank As Reason For Allegedly Killing Unborn Sibling

GENOA CITY, WI—With the hotel walls slowly closing in and a quick turnaround of forensic evidence pointing in his satanic direction, 9 year-old son of all-purpose doctor, Ben Rayburn, decided to flee the long arm of the law through an open bathroom window of his hotel room on Monday, according to reports.

One eyewitness waiting for a bus across the street from the hotel called 911 and reported what she described as a pale, gangly male child floating in mid-air close to the west side of the building. “At first I thought it was a bird, but birds don’t wear denim,” the eyewitness said, before sheepishly admitting that even though she had again forgotten her glasses on her nightstand at home she could still make out the strange sight of a boy aloft in the sky. She told the 911 operator that the child appeared to be headed in a northwest direction, but she couldn’t be certain.

Despite his minor legal status, Rayburn has become the prime suspect in a witch hunt set in motion by his stepmother, Abigail Rayburn. Mrs. Rayburn was recently pregnant with her first child (her husband’s second), but lost her baby when a misstep while wearing a precarious pair of 4 and a half-inch stilettos on a flight of stairs at the GCAC, proved fatal to her unborn child.

Hello, Jesus? I'm going to need you to take the wheel.
Hello, Jesus? I’m going to need you to take the wheel.

What came next was a surprise to everyone except Jabot Cosmetics security guard, BoBo Beeker. “I was watching some youTube videos on my iPhone when out of nowhere this kid, literally floats up to the security desk and requests a visitors pass to see Ashley Abbott. I didn’t ask any questions, mostly because he was frothing at the mouth and you could see the whites of eyes—scary shit…figured it wasn’t the best of times to ask the reason for his visit,” said Beeker shortly before adding, “You don’t get to last as long as I have in this company by asking a lot of unnecessary stuff. Just print the pass and send them on their way is my general rule.”

Further reports revealed that Max Rayburn’s visit to Ms. Abbott, the mother of Abigail Rayburn, was because he had come to regard her as an ally.

At press time sources told reporters that Ms. Abbott could be seen listening with dread as the boy’s outlandish explanation of only wishing to “embarrass” her daughter for the sake of a good laugh began to unfold. “I put something on the stairs,” the boy was heard confessing.

Added the source: “She faced that kid without holy water, garlic or a wooden stake. Pretty brave if you ask me.”


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