HomeNewsReport: Men Who Have Sex With Their Brother’s Wife Still Okay To...

Report: Men Who Have Sex With Their Brother’s Wife Still Okay To Accept Gifts

Genoa City, W.I.—A new report released Monday by Genoa City University’s random studies department states that men who engage in sex with their sister-in-law will not show remorse when their brothers give them sentimental trinkets. “It’s entirely possible for these individuals to look their siblings right in the eye and accept gifts without allowing their moral code or basic decency to show at the surface, the report outlined in part, noting that many of these men feel that if the heart wants what it wants it’s perfectly acceptable to go ahead and betray loved ones in the most despicable fashion imaginable.

In order to shed some light on this disturbing trend, researches say that they collected month and months of statistical data in addition to observing the members of the focus groups in their natural habitat. “We prefer to analyze participants committing their dastardly deeds up close and personal–it provides the type of invaluable insight you just don’t see on paper” said Dr. Eloise Sharpe, the study’s head scientist.

[case study e.g. 2] Jack Abbott having no idea he’s been completely screwed over by his own flesh and half-blood.
The report also revealed that men who travel the long and lusty road of actively pursuing and carrying on an illicit affair with their brother’s wife also share certain character traits in common.

We noticed that the type of men who act in this contemptible way also share an odd compulsion for sticking small bundles of dynamite into the cracks of their personal lives and repeatedly setting them off.

“They are usually quite self-absorbed, are perceived as professional screw-ups and tend to blame others for their troubles. It’s fascinating stuff!” Sharpe added unable to hold back her excitement for the revelations she had uncovered.

The study also confirmed that men who sleep with their sister-in-law enjoy the twisted sensation of acting as a sounding board for the sibling who may want to discuss marital relationships woes, as they derive a sadistic pleasure that comes from undermining the union while secretly wishing they could replace their brother in his own bed.


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