B&B Recap: The Fashion Hobo

1. The Fashion Hobo

Even Liam had trouble hearing what was coming out of his own mouth when he told Bill he thought most of the world thinks of Ridge as “successful and glamorous and powerful”. O Rly? You know that’s a load of bullshit Liam. I hate that they keep trying to sell us on Ridge The Fashion Czar. The man dresses like a hobo, okay! There. I said it. He wears the same suit every single day. He looks disheveled and icky and the only reason the world supposedly looks at him at all is because he has money and a famous last name. I mean, don’t get me wrong. If you can look past the gruff exterior Ridge could be easy on the eyes, but it’s difficult to cosign on the aesthetic of a man portraying a fashion designing lothario when he appears to be adverse to showers and clean clothes.

2. Sassy Pants

I am quite warming up to this Sally Spectra 2.0. At first I hated her weird sayings (Bucko?) but now I find her very amusing. Each day with Sally is like eating from a cracker jack box and finding a really weird surprise at the bottom. That surprise of course is finding out what crazy clown outfit she’s wearing and attempting to pass off as fashionable. How serendipitous that she would find a foe in Bill, who, as luck would have it wants to build a tower of mirrors on the decrepit shack Spectra calls home. It’s also amusing to me that Thomas has warmed to her so rapidly. What about poor Caroline and baby Douglas? I thought every day he spent apart from them made his life essence drain away?  I thought getting a chance to raise Douglas was more important to him than anything else? Ha! How quickly the wind blows in another direction. Like father like son.

3. Idle Hands

Now that Katie isn’t slurping out of the broken shards of decanters from her living room floor she’s grown sort of aimless in her pursuits hasn’t she?  At first she tried being Eric’s newspaper delivery boy. Then she resorted to picking up trash from her back yard and taking  it over to show Eric what she’d found. Now she’s just…well…there I guess. Such a shame. I thought she was going to be a thorn in Quidge’s side? There was some real potential there. Now Ivy seems to have taken up the cause. Good for you Ivy! See what happens when you develop a hobby outside of degrading yourself for a man who doesn’t want you?

4. Blind On Fashion

I have a bone to pick with the Eye On Fashion website. Basically it’s total shit. It’s so shitty in fact that it makes me wonder if it’s a real fashion news website at all. Isn’t there some warning going around about being on alert for fake vs. real websites and the ‘news’ they publish? Sally was so busy singing her swan song she didn’t  notice the weird post in the sidebar announcing a food truck battle with a cash prize of $10,000. What exactly does that have to do with fashion?  So what you’d like me to believe is that Bill can pour millions into developing a sky rise but can’t throw some “dollas” at a proper web developer to make his website look more believable?