B&B Recap: Say Yes To The Mess

1. Recycled Love

Hard to believe that it was only just May that Brooke was underneath Katie’s bed, nestled with the dust bunnies, trying her damnedest not to be discovered. Now the bed has flipped and Brooke is the one on top.  Quite an accomplishment wouldn’t you say? Nah, you’re right. Brooke didn’t have to do anything to be in that bed except be alive and available to that lecherous Bill.  I went back into my time machine just to make sure that nothing has changed in that room since the affectionately known ‘Slut From The Valley’ crawled out on her hands and knees, and just as I suspected, everything is exactly the same, right down to the bed linens. Ew!

2. Over To You Ridge

My ears perk up whenever I see my boy, Rick in the office, especially if he’s wearing that pink shirt. **swoon**. Anyway, I was dying to see what he thought about his arch nemesis’ masterplan to eject his dad from the CEO seat. Bottom line, I expected a little less cooperation from him. If he thinks Eric needs to see someone or is making questionable choices then why not set some time alone and just ask him? It bugs me that he’s going along with this underhanded plan. Also, why would Rick agree with anything that gives Ridge more power, particularly if he knows that 1) Ridge is an ass and 2) Ridge is an ass. I hope this plan blows up in all their faces.

3. The Middleman

Don’t you hate being interrupted when you’re working out at the gym? It’s so annoying. Thomas didn’t seem put off by it though. He’s more than happy to talk whether it’s to hold Liam’s hand or tell Wyatt that he doesn’t want to be involved in his sister’s marital troubles. Such diplomacy! Even though Wyatt made a very good point when he said no one can control Eric’s actions least of all him, Thomas kept repeating the same line, ’Steffy won’t stand for it. Steffy won’t allow it’. Well, Steffy has forbidden this hellish union since the beginning and we all see how that’s going. But i’m interested to see how this plays out in the end. Those shares only guarantee Quinn getting fried from Forrester not from Eric’s life. I guess they have a plan to get her out of that too?

4. Mission: Divide And Conquer

The plight of the quirky ingénue is not without its perils. Does Ivy have what it takes to wrangle Liam from Steffy?  She certainly is beautiful but it is going to take more than a gorgeous face to turn the tide.  Lest we forget she’s up against a formidable opponent—Liam’s obsession. The only way I see a future for her and him is if he were to hit his head again and lose his memory…permanently.

5. Say Yes To The Mess

The first time Stephanie’s portrait fell of the wall I was amused.  The second time?  Meh, over it. Who cares what she thinks. She’s dead. Eric on the other hand has never been more alive…for now.  I really am anxious to hear Deacon’s response to all of this. It’s time he resurfaced. Some of his trademark snappy comebacks are definitely in order.