B&B 6.20.17 Recap: A Comedy of Errors

At Forrester Creations Maya thinks she’s having trouble with her hearing. She demands to know what her sister meant by she won’t be signing the adoption papers. Nicole begins to stammer, telling Maya she believed the adoption was already finalized; it’s all so unexpected.  How could this be? But, it be! Is this clerical error fiasco a sign from the baby gods that she will have her chance at motherhood after all? The weight of this revelation, along with the sweet memories of Lizzie drooling all over her furniture make Nicole’s head throb under her wig cap.

I will burn a hole into you with my eyes.

Maya is trying not to freak out, she doesn’t know what the hesitation is, but I think this is naive on her part. Did she really think Nicole wouldn’t pause when it came to re-signing the papers? C’mon girl! Your antenna should’ve shot up the second Nicole came clean to you about her infertility diagnosis when you got back from Paris.

Anyway, the women are getting more and more emotional as Maya delves deeper for the thoughts percolating under Nicole’s wig, honey chile is thinking so hard you can almost see the steam vapors escaping near her edges. She tells Maya she needs time to think and Maya is horrified! Just look at the fear in her eyes…

Outside in the hallway, as usual there is no sign of Pam. We see Carter though, the man responsible for causing Maya and Nicole’s world to literally spin off its axis. He runs into Julius who says he’s looking for Nicole so that he cantake his “little girl” out to lunch. Carter takes the opportunity to advertise his services. ‘I’m available to mess up all your paperwork and filing down at the county clerk’s office if you’re ever in the market for a lawyer who occasionally makes egregious mistakes’, he tells Julius, who smiles politely, but is probably like, ‘Nope!’

Legal services? I can make errors on my own documents without any help from you. Thanks.

Julius barges into Nicole’s office and announces his intent for lunch to which Nicole answers distractedly that she isn’t hungry. He asks if it has anything to do with that other daughter. What’s her name again? Oh, yeah, Maya. Would it have anything to do with her and this clerical glitch with the adoption paperwork he keeps hearing about?  By the way, where is mama Avant? Please come and get your man before he starts some mess.

Julius tells Nicole she doesn’t have to pretend with him and that it’s okay to admit that she’s conflicted. Then he starts to rattle her with terms like, “you’re her real mother”, “a baby knows it’s mother” and “Maya isn’t Lizzie’s mother, YOU ARE because you carried her inside of you.” I have a real problem with that last statement, but i’m not going to let Julius’ antiquated belief structure on feminism shake me up. Besides I don’t have any strong pieces of plywood to slam over his head so…

In the main office suite Rick is filling Zende in on the clerical mistakes that will go down in infamy. He rehashes the amazing “gift” that Nicole has afforded them by giving them a baby. It’s all so humbling and inspiring and REPETITIVE. You’re thankful, Rick. We get it.

Can you design a better fashion sense for me?

Zende leaves and ends up in the showroom/studio, whatever that place is called… only to find little Miss CoCo Fug deep in thought. Guess what? CoCo isn’t wearing anything completely hideous today. Thank the fashion gods!

Right away she tells Zende about her conversation with his wife and he shares the intel about these clerical errors that have been running around wreaking havoc on everyone’s life.  ‘How do we stop the sons ‘a bitches?’ CoCo wonders while contemplating the slow unravelling of her new BFF. The two put their heads together and deicide that what Nicole needs now is love and support (and a baby).  Oh, and throw in a new wig too and some curly fries–extra salt. Zende thanks CoCo for betraying Nicole’s confidence and giving him insight as to what’s been going on under her wig lately.  He’s surprised to learn how hot and feverish its gotten under there! Me too! Poor thang.

Later Maya reunites with Rick in the main office. When he asks about her hands coming back empty she admits to being forced to leave the adoption papers with Nicole because of her sister’s sudden uncertainty. Rick is aghast and almost immediately gets red in the face over the issue. They bicker and he announces he’s going to see Nicole to straighten this mess out.

Don’t make me get tears on my tie, Nicole.

When Rick arrives at the office where Nicole’s been holed up most of the day, she’s staring at the adoption papers in a trance. The clerical errors have hypnotized her. “Sign them!” Rick bellows snapping her back to reality. Rick shares that she’s scaring the shit out of his wife. And just like his wife did earlier, Rick reminds Nicole who Lizzie’s real parents are.  Then, get this, he tells Nicole that while he gets that she’s struggling with starting a family and all it really has ZERO to do with Lizzie. Wait. Huh? You do realize that Nicole can’t get pregnant because of Lizzie, right? Anyhoo, emotions are running high so I’m going to let that slide. For now.

Next on the Bold and the Barren…

Zende tells Rick to speak with his inside voice when it comes to Nicole.

At Cockroach Couture Thomas is shirtless and Sally is sweaty. The air conditioner probably broke. Will Thomas have to open up his big boy check book for that too?

CoCo tells RJ how desperately she wants to do something to help Nicole. R.J. is bored by her empathy and I don’t blame him.

Maya tells Rick she won’t be able to rest easy until Nicole signs the adoption papers. Get ready for a lot of sleepless nights honey.