
Y&R Recap: Dumber Than Dirt

Another vagrant blows into town and Gina can always be counted on to hire them under her strict ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy.  There must be a want ad in the Genoa City Chronicle that reads:

New in town and looking for work?  Come check us out down at the Athletic Club.  Park your bags by the dumpsters out back and start work immediately.  No references required. 

 Employment Guaranteed!

This would be a great haven for terrorists to blend in while plotting to rule the world.  What are the chances that Rocky would show up to serve Nick and Phyllis champagne?  The pay must be top notch even though Colleen claimed to be picking up a $5.00 paycheck on Friday.  It’s good to see that she’s paid according to how much work she does.  Odd, though, that she expected Gina to pay her for having sex, being kidnapped and lying in a coma.

Will someone please tell me if Lauren’s Bin is the only place to buy cheap, pink fuzzy slippers, don’t they also sell them at Wal-Mart?  I find it funny that J.T. didn’t have the balls to fight Kevin like a man but still has the nerve to show his mug in Lauren’s store.  He should be banned from all commerce that have anything to do with the Baldwins.  I blame Lauren, all she could do was curl her lips disapprovingly while she carefully wrapped those ugly things in a bag.  If someone bashed my brother-in-law’s skull in they would never be able to brazenly sashay up to my sales counter let alone breath the same air as me.

I’m also pissed that Kevin hasn’t poisoned J.T.’s latte yet or at the very least filed for a restraining order. He claims to want to make J.T. “pay” for what he did and what does he do to ensure that happens?  He lets the guy have the run of his coffee house.  While Kevin is taking 800 Excedrin® a day to numb the pain of agonizing headaches, J.T. is picking up chicks, holding business meetings and having the time of his life.  Soon he’ll be behind the counter pouring his own coffee.  I’m sure he must be closing the place up at nights from the way he’s always hanging around.  J.T. is like a horsefly buzzing on the ass of Kevin’s life.

I am loath to write about this identical cousin phenomenon Latham cooked up when apparently another sleepless night failed to inspire a good reason why Dru has been seeing Carmen’s “ghost”.  When fans complain about lack of originality on our beloved Y&R I don’t think this is what we had in mind.  How in god’s name can someone have an identical cousin?  Unless… yup, it must be the Argentinean plastic surgeons again.  Man, those guys are amazing.

What did I tell you.  As soon as Colleen came out of her coma Jack and Traci will have forgotten all about the empty promises poured out over her bedside.  Now it’s back to business as usual.  You’re nobody in this town until you’re almost dead, that’s when people seem to care the most.

Sharon has finally discovered her calling in life: the mayor of Clear Springs!  How utterly exciting this prospect must be for her.  I know she’ll have tons of time to dedicate to this position in political office since Noah seems to be raising himself these days.  The kid is always spending the night over some friend’s house calling ever so often to let mommy know his whereabouts.  He’s a little young to be a couch surfer but maybe it’s for the best.  Maybe he feels this is the only way to make it to adulthood unscathed since Cassie didn’t fare so well in that department.  Can’t say I fault him, poor kid, Sharon is dumber than dirt and that’s putting it mildly.  For once it would have made sense for her to ask Brad to meet her in a car to tell him that Jack just invited her to the Ashford Baron (read: “The Hotel Where Brad And I Slept Together”) instead of letting the cat out of the bag in the middle of a busy dinner crowd at the Athletic Club.  And of all the people to overhear it had to be Phyllis. What a treat this is going to be.  I can’t wait for the fallout.

So Victoria doesn’t believe in renovation, huh?  Why doesn’t that surprise me? How long has it been since Brad’s dusty house had a face lift?  Don’t tell me that antiquated dump is considered a historical landmark too?  Any woman I know who gets married and moves into her husband’s house would want to redecorate and make the place her own. Not Victoria, oh no, that’s a waste of the “mental capabilities” she inherited from her father (according to Brad).  Her time is much better spent finding the most unflattering garments to wear so that she can singe our corneas with her hideous taste.

I really have to give it up to Brad, he must be making up for all the years he spent not caring about his daughter.  He’s constantly harassing Colleen and asking J.T. to investigate something that has to do with her.  What I think would be more useful is if he were to ask J.T. to investigate why he’s so wooden.  Let’s peel back the layers of this intricate man and finally uncover what he’s made of—oak, pine or is it cheap wood chips glued together?

Daniel is sure to get an A+ in SweetAmbrosia this semester but I don’t hold out much hope for his other classes.  Though I can’t get a feel for when Amber and Daniel will hit the sack I know it will happen eventually.  No man, especially a married one living in Genoa City, has ever been able to resist the temptation of another woman without doing number 2 all over his marriage vows.  I hope after they sleep with each other Amber follows Daniel’s advice and goes back to L.A.  No matter how hard I’ve tried I can’t seem to give a rat’s ass about her.



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