Home Recaps Y&R Recap: When Gal Fridays Attack

Y&R Recap: When Gal Fridays Attack


1. When Gal Fridays Attack

Is it unkind for me to say that Mariah got what she deserved by striking a deal with Hilary?   I don’t give a shit. We all know it’s true. Make a deal with the devil then be prepared to roast over an open flame. Satan likes his meat cooked while still alive and yet despite having first hand knowledge of this Mariah thought she could appeal to her boss’s sense of decency. If only Hilary had some.

What I love about GC Buzz is that its hiring policy appears to stipulate ‘Millennials need only apply’.  Have you heard about these generational miscreants? Ask your uncle Google to clue you in. Often stereotyped as ‘lazy, needy, entitled’ denizens these individuals are what’s wrong with America—depending on who you ask. As far as I can tell Devon seems to go against that grain as he works very hard to squander his grandmother’s inheritance on ill-advised business ventures.

My fave GZ Buzz staffer is the guy with the crazy beard. Have you seen him?! WTF. Lol!!
