Home News Fact-Checking The Brash & Sassy Interview

Fact-Checking The Brash & Sassy Interview

Corporate stooge Cane Ashby of Brash & Sassy sat down Monday with GC Buzz correspondent Hilary Hamilton to provide an insightful look into the company’s ‘dynamic’ leadership team and the secret to their success. Soap Opera Nation examines the transcripts and determines if his claims are fact or fiction.


“We are here with Cane Ashby, a very, very important part of Brash & Sassy.†-Hilary Hamilton

Somewhat true. Ashby’s main function is to mitigate heated arguments between ex-spouses Billy Abbott and Victoria Newman and while it is an important part of the company he fails miserably at it.

“I think that this company benefits from three strong leaders that have a lot of experience running their own businesses.†–Cane Ashby

Another half-truth. Newman created the Brash and Sassy brand. Abbott has owned a restaurant and magazine business. Ashby, however, can’t even claim ownership to his own balls much less an actual company.

“At its core, as long as we respect each other, you’ll see why the three of us teamed up.†–Cane Ashby

Misleading. At the core of Brash & Sassy is a pulsating mass of bickering, immaturity and complete lack of self-control—a by-product of being forced to work together and provide comic relief to other employees who work for the company.

GC Correspondent Hilary Hamilton getting all the facts no fiction (cough)
GC Correspondent Hilary Hamilton getting all the facts, no fiction (cough)

 “Yeah, we [have a common goal]. And that is we put our business before any personal issues come up.†–Cane Ashby

False! According to Brash & Sassy’s mission statement, the common goal of the organization is “To make Billy Abbott and Victoria Newman realize how much they love each other and will NEVER love anyone on the planet that intensely. Ever, which is why they should just stop fighting it and fall into a passionate embrace and heal the gaping wounds they have caused each other by denying their AMAMZING love…oh and we also sell some perfume and skin care products on the side.â€

“What makes our business so successful is Jill Atkinson and it was her foresight that put the three of us together and when she did that she made magic.†–Cane Ashby

True. If by magic you mean complete and utter poop circling the drain and flushing into a cesspool of mediocrity.