The Bold and The Beautiful Celebrate #1for30 at The Paley Center for Media – Part 2

1. Meeting Scott Clifton

Scott was one of the first people that I approached. I introduced myself and showed him the comic. When he said he recognized it I was very flattered and hope he didn’t remember any of the times I called Liam spineless or a bedraggled lumberjack. Lol!

2. Scott and Me

I told Liam to treat Steffy well to which he replied, “Of course not”! Haha. Is a heartbreak iceberg ahead? Thanks for being so gracious, Scott.

3. Meeting Alley Mills

The amazing Alley Mills! How many of you remember her from The Wonder Years? She was a sweetheart. I didn’t have a comic dedicated solely to her, but when she leaned in and hugged me for the photo I found myself wishing she would invite me over for some tea and lemon bars.

4. Meeting Karla Mosley

Ow! Queen Maya in the house! Karla mesmerized me in with her bright eyes and infectious smile. She also said she recognized the comic/meme I did of her character. Thanks Karla and I’ll definitely be keeping tabs on a music career if you decide to do an album.

5. Chatting With Karla

Here I am asking Karla about the LA Dodgers episode where she sang the national anthem. I wanted to know if she was really on the field in front of players and fans and she said yes however, she didn’t know it was going to appear in an actual episode. Apparently that revelation came later. If you haven’t read Man Makes America Great Again With Romantic Gesture, be sure to check it out after reading this.

6. Meeting A Legend: Lee Phillip Bell

Ohmygod! Can I tell you that I nearly melted standing next to the amazing Lee Phillip Bell. What an inspiring TV journalist, writer, producer, mother and all-around phenomenal woman. This picture is amazing for another reason: the look on Darin’s face, lol. Penny for your thoughts, Darin?

7. Meeting Jacqueline M. Wood

While Steffy is on my shit list at the moment I couldn’t be more enamored by the iconic Jacqueline Macinnes Wood (who let me call her Jacqui *heart sigh*). She was excited to see her comic/meme when I asked for an autograph.

8. Jacqui and Me

Jacqueline has a very fun and warm personality in person and if you follow her on Instagram I’m sure you’ve said to yourself once or twice, “Gee, now there’s a woman who knows how to enjoy life!”

9. I Love My Boss

Here’s Angelica McDaniel eliciting sheer joy from Katherine Kelly Lang and John McCook. I don’t recall feeling that way about ANY boss I’ve ever worked with, then again I’ve never been an actor on The Bold and the Beautiful. Can we have a moment of silence for Heather Tom in canary yellow lace? Gorge!

10. Meeting Darin Brooks

This ear splitting grin is brought to you by how amazing it feels to have an actor tell you he’s seen your comics and signs, ‘Thanks for watching’ on one of them. Yes, this feels good.

11. Meeting John McCook

Poor John was about to leave before I practically ran him down to get his autograph and  photo. Yes John, I know you have a life outside of the show you probably need to get back to BUT, can you take just one more photo with me, please? Haha. I voiced my support for the Eric and Quinn romance and he couldn’t say enough good things about working with Rena Sofer. Her eyes light up he said. Which is true. She’s a great actress.

12. Men At Work

The Bold and the Beautiful men.

13. Meeting Bradley P. Bell

There was so much I wanted to ask Executive Producer/Head Writer Bradley Bell but, with so little time I presented him with the most burning question I could think of: Why is there a constant loop reel of exotic locations shots of Brooke ’n’ Bill’s love moments playing in dollar Bill’s noggin? Bradley shared with me that the average soap viewer watches two to three episodes from any given week so “memory montages” (my term not his) are used to remind and reinforce the connection between a couple plus, he added, “They are very expensive to shoot.” I don’t doubt it as this show is known for its cinematic location shoots.

14. Mr. Bell and Me

Thanks so much Brad. Perhaps one day I’ll have the opportunity to ask other questions. I appreciate you for taking the time to chat with me.