Can we please STOP turning our backs to doors and entryways when we’re on the phone? It’s causing our enemies to gain advantage by listening to us scheme on the phone against them. Brad stood at the door of the boardroom and it sounded like Nikki was shouting, “YES, I’D LIKE TO TRANSFER $250 THOUSAND DOLLARS INTO DAVID CHOW’S ACCOUNT, ARE YOU GETTING THIS DOWN? THAT’S RIGHT TWO-HUNDRED-AND-FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS!†Didn’t Kay and Jill warn Nikki about the security system they installed there after the tainted cream fiasco?

That was a good show you put on, David, pretending you weren’t trying to get a loan from Nikki. You sure know how to get what you want even if it makes you look like a wimp in the process. I think it’s good that Nikki broke off the engagement even though she’s probably still smarting from the fact that there is no ring on her finger.

What the hell does Cane know about Lily being her mother’s daughter? I should think he knows very little, if at all, about the fashion industry yet he’s got plenty to say about the Faces of Jabot campaign, and by that I mean he pops in to the fashion shoot to tell her that she’s gorgeous, fantastic or amazing. Yada, yada, yada, we get it already!

By my estimates, Adam is the only guy really doing any real work in Genoa City. J.T. claims to be working but I always see him at home hanging out with Reed. David claims to be working but after drinking coffee with Brad at the GCAC, he goes upstairs with Nikki to their suite.

See what I mean about Neil? He suggests an ad run in Nick’s new rag and Victor says, “nope, your name ain’t Newman. Sorry.†Adam comes by and all of a sudden it’s a done deal under the guise of teaching a lesson. Careful about teaching lessons, Victor, the last time you did that a soft piece of foam hit your daughter’s cheek and put her to sleep for 90 days.

Oh, and can I get some subtitles for when The Great Victor Newman decides to speak in other tongues? I hang on his every word, you know and I would hate to miss out on anything coming out of his mouth.

Is it really good news that Sharon’s joining RSM? How does Jack feel about this? He calls it “incredible†news but I don’t think that’s how he feels judging by the look on his face, heck, even the lights short-circuited after Jack said that.

Jack didn’t take long to revert to his devious and conniving ways and now goody-two-shoes Sharon is in on it too despite her previous balking that lying and cheating was bad.

Jack and Sharon are indeed quite comical. If they wanted privacy to check out and discuss the spycam in their clock, why go to the coffeehouse owned by the son of the women they’re planning to spy on? And why does Kevin want to see what’s in the box, doesn’t he have cameras installed in there to tape him and Jana when they want to get it on out on the patio?

Why is Nick belly aching about how much money everything costs? As I recall the Warehouse Gang has two other members and Jack has very deep pockets. Look how much he was willing to sink into the Abbott Manse so that Gloria would move out. I hope all the redecorating that Gloria’s been doing will inspire him to finally give the house the makeover it deserves.

See, that’s why I always wash my hands after handling money—you never know who’s had sex on it before it gets into your wallet.

Daniel tells Amber that she’s out of her mind but you can tell he’s really turned out by it. “It does look pretty good,†Daniel said. Isn’t that the same response he gave Amber when she showed him the porn site that gave him a porn addiction that in turn ended his marriage, got him fired from his job and locked up in jail? Man, some dudes never learn.

Thanks for that wide angle shot of Victor sittin’ in his very tiny mansion living room, it really did the trick to give us the visual of how utterly alone he is. There’s no shortage of food though, thank goodness that Miguel is doing a very good job filling the home with plates filled with fruits, meats, cheeses and whatever else billionaires who live alone eat. Who will fill the empty chasm in Victor’s life, I wonder? Will it be someone who is foreign and young enough to be his daughter’s best friend? Hhhhmmmmm.

I feel for Phyllis’s neighbors, Amber’s first night in the joint and there’s a screaming match. That’s what happens when you move trash in from off the streets. Hope the building committee hears about this and forces Phyllis to leave.

Who on earth is Adam calling in the middle of the night in New York? Why does he tell this person that he doesn’t even know why he cares about how he or she is doing? Could this mysterious figure be his boss from Keller and Stevens? That’s a doozy showing off like that. While babbling about RSM, Adam tells Victor that he doesn’t plan to fail but he does fail to plan by falling in love with Nick’s wife and being up shit’s creek without a paddle. So we’ve had our first sexual fantasy starring Adam lusting after his half-brother’s wife. “Stupid, horny, jerk!†he calls himself, baffling the friendly bartender who offered him coffee.

I agree with ‘Harvard’ that Beauty of Nature sounds a bit off for a high-end, established beauty line. Hard to picture Beauty of Nature sharing floor space in Neiman Marcus or Saks Fifth Avenue on the cosmetics floor with Elizabeth Arden, Chanel and M.A.C. Beauty of Nature sounds like a stool softener to me.

Hey! I’ll pop two to see if I can finally get Heather to pass… did I hear her tell Paul she’s thinking of leaving town? Ahhhh, relief at last.