HomeRecapsY&R Recap: A Family Divided

Y&R Recap: A Family Divided

The IT department at Newman Enterprises should be working over at Jabot if they want to see some porn.  Really, really, bad porn.  That Ji Min and Jill are really steaming things up over there, huh?  Though Kevin claims the reason he was so blabber mouthed with his mom about the tainted face cream was because he thought the server was down for maintenance, I’m inclined to think the servers are just down… period. Face it, Kev, there is no IT Department at Jabot or any security for that matter.  Really, are we to expect anything more of the company that can’t even commit to $10 million a year to invest in hedge funds?

How in the hell did those mangy reporters strong-arm their way into the  exclusive, hoity toity Athletic Club to ambush platinum member, Jack Abbot on a quiet Wisconsin afternoon?  Don’t the filthy rich, their hanger-ons and the bottom feeders trying to scheme their way into upper-society have the right to peace and quiet while they dine?  I just don’t understand what kind of establishment Gina is running there.  All hell is breaking loose and she can’t tear herself away from the damn kitchen to peer out into the dining room and see what’s going on once in a while?

I’ll tell you one thing, the bartenders at the AC are the ones people need to go to if they want to hear the latest gossip.  That’s who the reporters should be interviewing, not Jack.  Michael loves to bleat about “attorney/ client privilege†and yet has no qualms whatsoever discussing case developments with people who aren’t his clients in very public places.  Whatever happened to his office?

Uh oh, I was afraid of this.  Doctors warned Victoria to take it easy last week and she swore she would but I just had a feeling that Brad Jr. wouldn’t have a chance in hell to survive.  When the good doc explained that the reason for her miscarriage was due to a “severe genetic abnormalityâ€, I instinctively knew that meant JT’s swimmers got to the egg and polluted it with his “imperceptive†gene. I don’t care how hurt Mrs. Kaplan was over her husband’s affair with Sharon, she was dead wrong (and hella nasty) to screw another man while she was with child.

The last time Daniel ordered ‘Back Seat Nirvana’ he ended up wrapped around a forest tree after a night of hard boozing, not to mention, a vehicular manslaughter charge.  I see he hasn’t learned from his mistakes because, here he is again, barking up the same tree, a refugee from his own marital home. By the way, has anyone seen Devon?  Is he up at the ill-fated mountain where his mommy pitched off, replenishing the vigil?  He needs to come back and get a load of his brother-in-law. Well, not that kind of load… oh, god, you people are just sick.

The way I see it, Daniel is right on schedule to become another graduate of the Genoa City Scumbag School.  Lily is wondering if she’s not enough for him.  It’s not that, Lily, but you are, you know, a TOTALLY different person than the one he got married to in Vegas.  That Lily had more personality packed under her armpit than you have in your entire toothpick frame.

Unbelievably, when Nikki and Victor weren’t too busy cheating on each other and stabbing each other in the back, the writers will have us believe they took time out to stitch together some moral fiber for Nicholas and Victoria.  The latest lesson: A family divided cannot stand. Is that right?  Well then, that must mean the Newmans have been crawling since they came into this town.

I can’t believe Jack went to the break room to throw some cold water on his face and then upchucked in the sink.  Oh.  My.  God.  That’s disgusting.  Don’t they have restrooms at Newman Enterprises for crying out loud?

There must be a direct portal from the break room at NE to the boardroom at Jabot.  For the life of me I cannot understand how else Jack could get to Jabot so quickly and, with needlepoint precision, always to manage to land on the tail end of people’s conversations.

Someone needs to hand Jill’s file over to Ji Min.  So honorable of him to want to avoid “sullying†Jill’s reputation if she went away with him to Seoul.  I think it might be useful if he knew that he has one of Genoa City’s most notorious sluts as his company’s president.  She banged Jack when he was her step-son, Ji Min, there is nothing left on Jill to sully, believe me.

Oh boy, I really hope the wheels of justice will grind into action quickly for Phyllis.  We’ve all witnessed what that woman can do with a little time on her hands.  I know Nick couldn’t be happier. This of course means she can be more available to him for sex and video game tournaments when he gets home from work.  Nick should cut his mom some slack for her betrayal seeing as though the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.  Didn’t he snitch on Pa Newman for underhanded business practices regarding Jabot a few years back?

There are a lot of things I’d like to see happen in Genoa City, people refraining from holding business meetings in college coffee shops, for instance.  But,  if I had to be honest, on the very top of my wish list is for the married citizens to stop getting pissed when they find out their spouses have kept secrets from them, even when they explicitly warned them not to.  Get over yourselves, folks.  Secrets and double-crossing are a way of life here; we like it when things go boom, it’s the only type of life worth living.

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