HomeNewsDoctor’s Off-Duty Intrusion Interrupts Precious Booze Time

Doctor’s Off-Duty Intrusion Interrupts Precious Booze Time

GENOA CITY, WI—What should have been a quiet, Monday evening spent falling off the wagon, local lush Nikki Newman instead found her personal space invaded by Dr. Meredith Gates, the presumptuous Walworth State Penitentiary doctor where Newman’s husband, Victor, is currently serving a ten year sentence for assault with a deadly doppelgänger.

“I’m going to do everything in my power to ensure his early release,” proclaimed the interloper seemingly aroused by some misplaced feeling of empathy for a man Newman tried to warn was calculating and very dangerous.

Nikki Newman and Dr. Meredith Gates compete for title of Fakest Smile
Nikki Newman and Dr. Meredith Gates compete for title of Fakest Smile

The trembling alcoholic went on to note that her husband’s agenda only serviced his wants and needs, the most pressing of which was being released from prison to punish all of the people, including herself, that put him behind bars.

Blatantly disregarding her oath to uphold ethical standards, the doctor leaned in closer to Newman and divulged her assessment of her patient, “His talent, his energy, his heart; it’s being wasted in there. Your husband is a good man.”

Disgusted with the total unwillingness of Mrs. Newman, Gates partially slid off the barstool that she was not invited to sit upon and then added before before taking her leave, “From everything that I know about Victor all he wants is forgiveness so if you love him like you say you do perhaps you’ll give him the chance to prove it.”

At press time, Mrs. Newman still remains perched dangerously on the edge of her wagon.

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